Clothing Manager
By analyzing the clothing data collected from cameras mounted on mirrors to help users better manage their clothes.

Research, visuals, 3D, Prototyping,
2 Month Project
Tools Used
Adobe CC, Cinema 4D
Fashion waste comes from a variety of issues, but one of the biggest culprits is the movement toward “fast fashion.” This term refers to clothes made cheaply and quickly to meet demands around new styles. These clothes are typically so poorly made that you’ll toss them out right along with the trend.
One of the biggest drivers of fast fashion – and its associated waste – is the consumer. After all, no one wants to be stuck wearing outdated outfits. But look at your cluttered closet at home and the many clothes you bought that you never wore, and ask yourself if you should make a change.
Fate Of Clothes

Behind the Phenomenon

Current Situation

For the past three decades, fashion brands have kept increasing the speed of production. But there are always some looks that nobody wants to buy. When brands churn out thousands of new looks every season, the problem of unsold inventory just scales up.
The problem is so bad, some brands are burning unsold inventory. The waste has got to stop.
Consumers' consumption awareness still needs to be improved. Excessive consumption encourages the unhealthy trend of Fast Fashion.
The fashion industry churned out 100 billion pieces of clothing for 7 billion people in 2019.
But that doesn't mean everyone on earth has enough clothes to wear. In fact, there are still many people who can't afford the clothes they deserve.
Insights & Opportunities

It's not easy to get people into the habit of managing their clothes well, and the biggest challenge in this process of change is to find the motivation to change without no doubt.

It is not difficult to find that the mirror is the most important medium for users to make the choice of clothes. I want to use it as an intersection object to record the users' dressing habits.
What if?
As an important reference medium for clothing selection, it can be used as a recording device. Or in other words, the act of looking in the mirror can be an important way to record the wearer's clothing data.

The camera managed to record and identify the user's clothing can be clipped to the mirror, or it also can be attached to the mirror with a suction cup.

User Flow